This page is a simpler guide for beating The Infinite One, Father Rodin in the first Bayonetta game. Please see the guide “How to beat Rodin, The Infinite One, in Bayonetta 2” if you are looking for ways to defeat him in the second installment. This guide is intended for those who are cramming on completing the challenges of the game.
The first thing to take note of is you can fight Father Rodin when you have accumulated 10 Million Halos. That is 10,000,000, 1 with 7 zeroes. It is ok to spend the halos since the game keeps separate track of the halos collected. One thing to note is if you almost have all the accessories, then you might have unlocked the Platinum Ticket on Rodin’s Treasure. You’ll then need to buy the Platinum Ticket to start the cutscene and the fight for 999,999 Halos.
When Rodin bested you, and you just have enough Halos for the platinum ticket, Do not discontinue. When you die and ask to continue the game, choose yes, otherwise, 999,999 Halos will be considered consumes.
Prepare your Equipment
Before fighting Rodin, open any chapter first and set up your weapons and accessories. Setting up the equipment while on a fight might disrupt the rhythm for most of us.
No Witch Time
You have to take into account that on first Bayonetta, hard and infinite climax difficulty have disabled witch time on the conventional way. You can only activate Witch time using accessories but not on dodges.
Choice of Accessories
There are several choices for accessories while fighting Father Rodin and pick those that suit you best. Though it is a hassle to set it up during the fight, you are still free to pause and pick another depending on the situation. My recommendations are:
- Infernal Communicator – while this accessory does make the damage even Father Rodin is flying.
- Evil Harvest Rosary – since you already don’t have access to Witch time, put this accessory in and dodge has its advantages.
- Bracelet of Time – you can still activate Witch time using this accessory and it does help a lot in predicting the next move.
- Climax Bracelet – this accessory is a must for the first-time-fighting Rodin. It helps with damage.
- Sergey’s Lover – though I don’t see it as much as effective, when Father Rodin stays still, damage by your images does help.
I’m not suggesting using Moon of Mahaa-Kalaa since you can use Link costume instead unless you want to beat Father Rodin in style.
Weapon of Choice
The easiest way to beat Father Rodin is to use Pilow talk and Bazillions on feet so that dodging will still inflict damage alongside the Rosary if you are using it.
Practice Dodging and Blocking / Parrying
Looking forward to defeating Rodin, I cannot stress this enough. Keep practicing. Practice Dodge and practice Blocking using Link costume. For this fight, dodge is preferable and I suggest blocking the punch combo for a room for the counterattack.
Witch Heat and Moon Pearl
Max out your life and magic, with stress on Witch hearts. For this fight, you’ll need most of your HP bar since Father Rodin does tons of damage with few hits. There are cues when you are almost out of health, and take note of those. Still don’t panic, you can still win with 1 HP left.
Camera Angle and Battle Arena
One more annoying thing about this fight is the camera angles which makes it harder for a parry/blocking, and the wrong directional button can lead to defeat. The lighting in this area is also your enemy, making it hard to see projectiles. If it gets hard to figure out what is happening, run away using the beast within to position yourself.
One hit BS
Father Rodin also has the one-shot skill that will leave 1 HP, or death if you are on 1 HP. If you see his hands glowing, prepare to dodge. This is also an opportunity for free hits.
Final Words
After beating Father Rodin, you’ll be able to unlock this sweet weapon. Though you’ll have to buy the Platinum Ticket again for 999,999 Halos if you want to fight him again.